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All Church Email 5-26-2020

May 26

Tuesday and Friday Noon: All-Church Email

Sunday 9:45AM: Gathering Music for Worship
Sunday 10AM: UUCL Online Worship
Sunday 11AM: Children’s Worship

Sunday 6PM: Red Rose Sangha

May 26, 2020

Dear UUCL Community,

This Tuesday’s All-Church Email includes the schedule of staff-led events for the coming week of May 25-31. Also please see this message from the President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, regarding going forward in the context of the covid pandemic: Guidance for Gathering.

Please note that the Wednesday night Mid-Week Check-In is on pause, as staff consider how best to foster congregational connections moving into the summer.

Sunday Worship Online: May 31: “Perched On Many Thresholds”
Even as daily life during pandemic continues as we’ve known it for many weeks, we are also at a number of turning points: the warmer weather of summer, the end of academic terms, the transitions in church life including ministry. Let’s consider the potential in these thresholds.

9:45AM: Gathering Music: Make a cup of coffee, find your chalice, settle in to sacred space.

• 10:00 AM: Worship. Service Leader, Rev. Barbara; Music, Eli Sauls; Time for All Ages, Lenore Bajare-Dukes

Join the service Zoom Meeting
Or, join by phone: 1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 966 2373 9683
Password: 71717

Children’s Worship: Sunday Morning, 11-11:45AM: A space for children (especially ages pre-K through 5th grade) with their caregivers and whole families to do our familiar rituals and share stories, emphasizing fun and sharing! We invite you to make a little space in your home for sacred time: getting a chalice ready (finding a candle, cup, Lego sculpture…), finding a stone for joys and sorrows, and getting a blanket, mat, or cloth to sit on. This week, we will explore things we can do to connect with and help each other.

SUNDAY EVENING RED ROSE SANGHA: 6 P.M. See this weekly sitting link: See also this backpack project:

Every evening: 7 p.m.: We invite everyone to create a home chalice, and to light the chalice every evening, knowing that others from this congregation are doing the same.

Every Day:
Reach out to at least one other person in this congregation.

May we continue to look for moments of gratitude. May we remember to take deep breaths, to laugh, and to send regular virtual hugs to all whom we love.

In faith
Rev Barbara, Lenore, Eli