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Sunday Worship Service: Wounded Words, with Rev. Patricia Guthmann Haresch
Every Sunday, join Sunday Worship Service at 10AM (9:45 gathering), currently offered in person and on Zoom. WOUNDED WORDS led by Rev. Patricia Guthmann Haresch
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” In introducing the notion of “wounded words,” the Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove reminds us that “words can and do hurt, sometimes as much as a fist.” Her notion of “wounded words” refers to spiritual, theological, or religious words that carry stigma or baggage in one’s life experience. Perhaps they were once meaningful, but now have been discarded. What words do you struggle with? God, sin, Jesus, spirituality, grace? Might any of these words be restored or recovered? Transfused with new meaning or a new understanding of a word that had been corrupted over time? Rev. Pat will introduce this idea and will plan a series of sermons on the top wounded words from the UUCL community.