Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

More About the Board and Meeting Minutes

The Board of Trustees meets online on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00. Please contact any board member if you have questions or comments.


Meetings are open to all. Learn about what is going on in the church and what steps the board and staff are taking. At the beginning of the meeting, the floor is open for each member to have 2 minutes of speaking time to bring up topics that are concerning them.

Click below for board minutes:


Board Members

Steve Jones


Carole Campbell


Lou Ann Miller

Co-Vice President

Susan Lithgoe

Co-Vice President

Kim Chappell


Darcy Pollock

Board of Trustees

Leslie Laird

Board of Trustees

Jonas Kauffman


*Reports to the Board, but is not a Board Member.

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Past Meeting Minutes

Congregational Meeting minutes are posted in draft form shortly after each meeting. Any suggested corrections to them should be passed on to the Board Secretary. They are considered approved a month after posting if no questions or corrections are made by congregants in attendance.

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