
Leaders Circle


A team meeting for committee chairs or their representatives. Email for log-in information.

Leaders Circle

Unitarian Universalist Church Of Lancaster 538 West Chestnut Street, Lancaster
Hybrid Hybrid Event

A team meeting for committee chairs or their representatives. Email for log-in information.


Walters Grants Quarterly Meeting

Worship Associates

Walters Grants Virtual Committee Meeting. Closed team meeting. Email for log-in information.

Walters Grants Quarterly Meeting

Worship Associates

Walters Grants Virtual Committee Meeting. Closed team meeting. Email for log-in information.

Children’s Worship (Online)


An interactive time to share familiar rituals of chalice lighting and joys and sorrows, listen to a story or do an activity, and wonder together. Especially for children ages 4-10... and their siblings and grown-ups are welcome! Zoom link

Children’s Worship (Online)

An interactive time to share familiar rituals of chalice lighting and joys and sorrows, listen to a story or do an activity, and wonder together. Especially for children ages 4-10... and their siblings and grown-ups are welcome!

Sunday Worship Service: We Would Be One


We say that we know we need each other to survive, but why is it so hard to practice our interdependence sometimes? What gets in the way, and what do we need to do to remind ourselves of our true nature? View the Order of Service here. Join us every Sunday at 10am for our […]

Sunday Worship Service: We Would Be One


We say that we know we need each other to survive, but why is it so hard to practice our interdependence sometimes? What gets in the way, and what do we need to do to remind ourselves of our true nature? View the Order of Service here. Join us every Sunday at 10am for our […]

Town Hall Meeting

A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled on Zoom immediately following our Sunday Service on October 10th. This will have the same Zoom ID. (

Town Hall Meeting

A Town Hall meeting has been scheduled on Zoom immediately following our Sunday Service on October 10th. This will have the same Zoom ID. (