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Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster (UUCL)

UUism in Lancaster, PA

We are a congregation of liberal religious voices in Lancaster County for over 100 years. We seek to be an inclusive spiritual community coming together in love and reaching out in service.

Unitarian Universalism is based on covenant and deeds, not creeds. This church was founded in 1902 by M.T. Garvin who had this Gothic-style building constructed in 1908, designed by prominent architect, C. Emlen Urban on the current site. Garvin imported stained glass, wood carvings, and unique interior art for the Sanctuary embellishment which we proudly preserve today. The Education Building was built in 1972.

Does this intrigue you? Excite you? Come. Add your gifts to those already here. Your presence will make this community richer still. Throughout this website, you will find information about the activities and groups which make up our faith community. You are welcome to engage in the ways that mean the most to you!


The UUCL Covenant

Adopted by the Congregation in 2018

At the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster, we covenant to provide a welcoming community for all ages, respecting diversity and the inherent worth and dignity of all. Trusting good intentions, we strive to live courageously in love, service, and spiritual growth, and to work for peace and justice in the world.

Unitarian Universalist Lantern

Sunday Morning Service and Religious Education Times

One Service: 10 am on Sundays

What We Stand For

Our purpose is not to tell you who to be or what to believe, but to help each of us to find greater meaning in our lives. We have no creeds. We believe in the intrinsic worth of all people and in life’s creative power. We offer a community of faith that reveres the interconnected web of all life, and that calls on us to work to make a difference in the world.

We are a church of liberal religious tradition and heritage, one with ancient and deep roots. We are a diverse community that encourages spiritual growth and the practice of our beliefs through active involvement in the church and in the world. We are a religious community embracing a common faith expressed by our commitment to the eight principles.

Our Religious Community Thrives on Diversity

Many of our members were raised in other religious traditions and bring with them many spiritual perspectives. We come from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, humanist, scientific, pagan, earth-centered, agnostic, and other backgrounds, and we incorporate these traditions into our services. We are accepting of all religions and believe that creation is too mystical to be reduced to any “one truth.”

You Are Welcome Here

Here we are a welcoming congregation promoting full participation in church activities by all persons of whatever race, color, creed, gender, ability and/or disability, affectional or sexual orientation, age, economic status, or origin. We hope that your visit here will provide you with a greater sense of unity within yourself, with the people around you, and with the world outside these walls.

Our Mission Statement

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Lancaster is a church of liberal tradition rooted in the heritage of Unitarian Universalism and dedicated to the belief that in every individual there are extraordinary possibilities.

WE ARE committed to the individual and collective pursuit of spiritual growth, social justice, and life-long religious education and understanding.

WE FOSTER an open and free community in which we share our gifts, care for one another, and honor our differences.

WE SEEK to have a lasting influence on local, national, and global programs that promote equity and end oppression.

About Us

We welcome you: your whole self, with all your truths and your doubts, your worries and your hopes.

Unitarian Universalism

We are people of all ages, many backgrounds, and many beliefs. Learn more about UUism.


We are so glad you have found us! Learn more about what to expect when you visit and ways to get involved.


Are you thinking about becoming a member of our congregation? Learn more about membership.