In Loving Memory - Memorial Service Flowers
Caring Team, Connect in Love

We Still Need Volunteers!

You have not missed your opportunity to join the Memorial Service Hospitality sub-team of the Caring Team! We are still seeking volunteers and now is a great to join this important sub-team of the Caring Team. It is a meaningful way to show your love for our church family. We need people to help the day of the service to serve as greeters, ushers and helpers for the reception following the service. Although, there are no regularly scheduled committee meetings, we are scheduling a training in early Sept. with Gina Hart to make sure we are up to speed on kitchen protocol.

When a memorial service is scheduled, volunteers will receive an email asking if they are able and willing to help with the memorial service. You would not be expected to assist with every service. Please use the form below to sign up or ask any questions.