COVID-19, Upcoming Services

All Church Email July 2, 2020

Dear UUCL Community,  

We have returned to one All-Church Email on Thursdays. In this Thursday All-Church Email, please find the schedule of staff-led activities. 

Sunday Online Worship: June 21, 10:00 a.m“With a Capital T,” Rev. Chris Kapp It’s a hard thing, thinking that we just might be wrong about something. I mean, we get it in the abstract. We all know everybody makes mistakes, that people are fallible. But when we’re talking about ourselves…..well now, that’s a different story, isn’t it?
Rev. Chris Kapp was ordained in 2002, after spending a good deal of her senior year of seminary working at Ground Zero in the aftermath of 9/11. She served as a full-time interim/developmental minister and commissioned officer in The Salvation Army for 12 years, before breaking ranks with them due to theological and philosophical differences. She now works as a homelessness and housing systems change specialist, using data to uncover structural inequities, and advocating for systemic change in the social services arena. 

Children are welcome to attend this service and will find a Time for All Ages.
Link to join:
Or join by phone:(301)715-8592
Meeting ID: 966 2373 9683
Password: 71717

Children’s worship at UUCL: 11-11:45AM
Children’s worship resumes this week! If you have come before…if this is your first time…children (especially ages pre-K through 5th grade) with their caregivers and whole families are invited to share rituals and stories together on Zoom. We invite you to make a little space in your home for sacred time: getting a chalice ready (finding a candle, cup, Legosculpture…), finding a stone for joys and sorrows, and getting a blanket, mat, or cloth to sit on. (Note that we will have a more infrequent rotation of Children’s Worship this summer, so please watch the All-Church Email.)
Join by Zoom:

SUNDAY EVENING RED ROSE SANGHA: 6 P.M.See this weekly sitting link: See also this backpack project:

Every evening: 7 p.m.: We invite everyone to create a home chalice, and to light the chalice every evening, knowing that others from this congregation are doing the same.

Every Day: Reach out to at least one other person in this congregation.
May we continue to look for moments of gratitude. May we remember to take deep breaths, to laugh, and to send regular virtual hugs to all whom we love.

In faith

Rev Barbara, Lenore, Eli
Staff “Off” Time: Please note that Bev and Rev. Barbara are currently on vacation, now through July 3. The office will be closed for the holiday on Monday, July 5.
General Assembly 2020:Thank you to all who represented UUCL at the General Assembly 2020 this past week. What a week it was! Ask around at virtual coffee hour to hear from your delegates about their experiences. If you would like to see some highlights from the public events, please see for links.
Summer Congregational Activities: As are in a summer schedule at UUCL, let us return to more intentional maintaining of an all-church calendar, accessible on the UUCL website. For now, please send Quin Martin, at, a note about any congregational activities: not for purposes of reserving space in the building, instead for helping one another know of activities and events to join in on. This includes Soul Matters groups, book groups, work-out sessions, and more. Get creative: start a new activity which others can join in on! Join together in reminding members, friends, and visitors that, while the UUCL building is closed, the community remains open and active, the calendar is busy. Updates on calendaring will follow in subsequent ACE.