
UUCL’s March 19th LOVEletter

Upcoming Worship
Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 10:00 AM
I Am That I Am: The Power of
Naming Ourselves

While the names we claim for ourselves can be authentic and empowering, the names and labels others assign to us can load us with expectations that have little to do with who we are. Join us as we unpack some of these expectations and explore how claiming a name or a label can help us grow into ourselves.

-Rev. Brewer

Rev. Molly Brewer (fae/faer pronouns) is currently serving remotely as the Youth Ministry Coordinator at the First Unitarian Church of Rochester, NY and as a facilitator for the UUA Leadership Lab’s Retooling for New Realities program. Rev. Molly lives in Portland, Maine with faer husband and two cats.