Nourish the Spirit, W&W Blog, Web & Wheel

Wheel Of The Year Blog: Samhain to Winter Solstice

The Wheel of the Year reached its pinnacle on Oct. 31, All Hallow’s Eve at
Samhain, a Gaelic word meaning “summer’s end”, the start of the Celtic New
Year. This is the mid-point between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice on Dec. 21.
It is a Celtic tradition at Samhain to honor nature, life and rebirth and celebrate
our Ancestors and Beloved Dead. It is believed that the barriers between the
physical world and the spirit world breaks down allowing interaction between
humans and the inhabitants of the Otherworld. As we reach across the Veil and
walk between the Gates of Time, we reflect and open our hearts to the lessons of
memory and the legacies of those who have passed before us. Wisdom shows us
that endings are beginnings as we revel in the gifts of today. In November, we
welcome the harvest and usher in the “dark half of the Year”, a time to rest and

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