Board Reflections, Governance

Board Reflections: Learning From Winter Months

I’m a New Year’s Eve baby. Really. So, while I contemplate both the ending and beginning of a calendar year, I am also processing adding a year to my age. It’s a lot to think about all at once. In many ways, though, it makes this time of year easier because no matter how old we are, most of us want to continue to grow spiritually and emotionally. I know I do. So, I can look back on my past year and seriously figure out where I succeeded and where I need to focus in the future. Because it’s winter, and being a winter child I seem to thrive on long nights, there is certainly a lot of time available for quiet thoughtful moments. I can imagine winter is a fluffy afghan wrapped around me by a roaring fire while snow softly settles on the ground outside my windows. And just as each snowflake is unique, so are we. So am I. Being an individual, though, does not mean we’re alone. I’ll add my snowflake to yours and yours and yours, and together we can build a community that allows us to follow our own path to growth.
Happy New Year!
In faith,
Leslie Laird

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