Board Reflections, Governance

Board Reflections on Love * Compassion: “Your Love Language” Submitted by Darcy Pollock

What’s your Love Language?

Yes, the theme for February is love and compassion. Every Sunday we start the affirmation of faith with “Love is the spirit of this church” and I sometimes wonder how those words become integrated for each of us as we read them in unison. My daughter introduced me to the concept of Love Language – how we show others we love and care about them. I remember my dad thought that my mom enjoyed pears because she must have at some point said something that he heard as a love of pears. He was one of those largely absent, always working dads, but when pears were in season, he’d stop at the local fruit stand and pick up a bag of pears for her – weekly. That was his love language. I don’t think she ever told him that she wasn’t really that fond of pears, although she told us because we had to eat them. Love language doesn’t always result in a miss, or bags of pears to be eaten.

In our church, I see so many people expressing their Love Language to our community. We don’t always know who has done what, but it seems like a miracle to me that we have the Love Letter full of events, fresh content on social media, a clean, warm, safe building for amazing Sunday Services, Zoom church, and an abundance of hospitality, welcoming, and care for each other – every week. This Sunday when we say the affirmation of faith, I invite you to reflect on how you express your Love Language at UUCL.

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