
Board Reflections: Change and Meditation

At the end of last week, my bridge partner and I went to New Orleans to compete in the American National Bridge Competition. It was a big deal. We had won $1400 dollars to go to the competition by being first in our district competition which covers Philadelphia to Harrisburg. Truly, a big deal. On the first day of our competition, about a thousand players swarmed over the twin towers of the hotel housing the competition.. I was sent to the fourth floor even though I said I thought my competition was on the third floor. On the fourth floor, the harried director said yes I was playing there. Meantime, my partner is on the third floor wondering where I am. When we didn’t meet up, I was so mad. I thought I would go to my room and meditate. My partner showed up later and was so apologetic. Actually I should have been apologizing. He was waiting for me at the correct place. After meditating before he showed up, I decided, I am going to take this with the grain of salt and a sense of humor. My generous partner was immediately on board with that attitude, and it allowed us to turn it around. We later get back into competition and played well.. It occurred to me that is how I should respond to all of life’s many glitches; a grain of salt and a sense of humor. And you know there are a lot of glitches in all our lives. And I do know that somehow WE are REAPONSIBLE for those glitches. I’ll work on being more prepared and careful in trying to avoid some of those future glitches. Open for further discussion if interested. See you at Coffee Hour? Blessings, Carole Campbell

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