

“Paths of peace, meditative candlelight, a safe center, beauty abounds, soul searching, power within, receive love, breathe…”

The labyrinth is a metaphor for life. It is a mirror. It is an archetypal map of the journey of life. The walk is a physical journey for healing and for spiritual and emotional transformation. Entering the path step by step and arriving at the center signifies reaching the place of inner being and truth, then embracing it, being renewed, reaching understanding.

Open Labyrinth Walks

Walks are normally held the first Sunday of every month between 11:30am-1:00pm.

First Sunday – Labyrinth Walk

February 2 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

First Sunday – Labyrinth Walk

March 2 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

First Sunday – Labyrinth Walk

April 6 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

First Sunday Labyrinth Walks: Walk As One

April 6 @ 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

First Sunday – Labyrinth Walk

May 4 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Why We Walk?

Your life is a JOURNEY. You are on THE path – exactly where you were meant to be right now. You can only go forward by expanding your vision, stretching your soul, learning anew, listening carefully, and taking challenges at every step along the way; one step at a time.

Experience COMMUNITY among seekers while finding SOLITARY pleasure within a serene sacred space.

Walking WISDOM is circumambulating that releases your energies. A moving meditation creates inner focus directed to finding your own center in your own way.

Tapping the SUBCONSCIOUS mind to reach your infinite power that dwells beyond reasoning. Your gifts and talents are buried within. Walk with the pilgrims of ANTIQUITY as they sought a bridge to understanding, forgiveness and transformation; a bridge from the public to the holy, from the inner to the outer. Seek not from without, but from within.

HEALING HAPPENS in the labyrinth as connections between body, mind and spirit are nurtured. Honor the process of letting go of anger and woundedness.

Join a REVIVAL in this century as labyrinths are once again reclaimed as tools for hospitals, schools, prisons and parks. This symbol for unity and wholeness sparks connections and our purpose for living.

Earth energy radiates a FORCE that holds and exerts power from above, below and in all directions on our bodies and psyches. Walking on the earth brings you as close to this source as possible.

Use PRESENCE power as your greatest ally. Creative potential lies in the moment at hand and it is all you ever truly have. Find life in the present time as you travel the labyrinth step by step, in and out, around and around, spiraling, walking with presence.

Sacred GEOMETRY gives labyrinths proportion and power. All sacred architecture and organic spirals are founded on geometric principles to let us take part in the power of creation and transcendence of this world.

CHAKRAS are centers in our body flowing with energies that function best when they are in balance. Walking levels of the labyrinth repairs the energy imbalances of our lives.

A desirable BALANCE between or rational and intuitive knowledge is fostered by walking a labyrinth because the clockwise and counterclockwise turnings map out a balance between the left and right hemispheres of our brain.

Benefits of Labyrinth Walking

  • Reduces Anxiety and Stress
  • Reduces Insomnia
  • Lowers Blood Pressure
  • Induces Regular Breathing
  • Elicits Relaxation Response
  • Fosters Efficiency
  • Greater Powers of Concentration
  • Creates Body Balance
  • Reduces Chronic Pain

Recommended Labyrinth Books

  • WALKING A SACRED PATH by Dr. Lauren Artress
  • EXPLORING THE LABYRINTH by Melissa Gayle West
  • THE HEALING LABYRINTH by Helen Raphael Sands

Quotes and Wisdom

“The great need of our time is for people to be connected to spirit; for people to be connected to a coer of feeling in themselves that make their lives vital and full of meaning. That makes life a mystery overmore to be uncovered…”

– Harold Stone

“The labyrinth is a spiritual tool meant to awaken us to the deep rhythm that unites us to ourselves and to the light that calls from within…”

– Lauren Artress

“Solvitur Ambulando. It is solved by walking…”

– Saint Augustine

“Teaching people to walk the labyrinth is like teaching fish to swim.”

– Excerpt from The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to heal and transform by Lauren Artress

“Walking the labyrinth clears the mind and gives insight into the spiritual journey. It urges action. It calms people in the throes of life transactions. It helps them see their lives in the context of a path, a pilgrimage. They realize that they are not human beings on a spiritual path, but spiritual beings on a human path.”

“When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways….either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength.”

– The Dalai Lama

“If we really want to pray, we must first learn to listen; for in the silence for the heart God speaks.”

“Prayer is talking to the Divine; meditation is listening. A good conversation takes both.”

– Excerpt from The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to heal and transform by Lauren Artress

​“Cultivating self-reflection is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and the ones you love. There is nothing so wise as a circle.”

– Rainer Maria Rilke by Helen Raphael Sands

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Summer Labyrinth

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