
Board Reflections: The Full Bloom of UUCL

Wow, before I even saw the impressive news that we have received about 3/4 of our budgeted pledges, I had planned to write about how awesome our church has been coming together. For about the last decade, I was wondering if UUCL could survive, just as many of the other churches have. I feel like we are on a very optimistic path. Rev. Pat has brought a breathe of fresh air with her logical, loving, detailed mind and spirit. Our musical staff and our other vast musical talent has really jazzed up and loosened us up. Halleluyah!!! A whole new vibe. I feel a real atmosphere of love, caring, and connection at church. I am so pleased to see a growing number of young families and new people finding their way to our church.
I am proud of how the Caring Team and other individuals work to take care of the arising needs of our congregants. We couldn’t possibly have a more willing and talented church staff. We definitely have all the right people on our church staff. Every church needs an army of volunteers. We sure have those talented people who are willing to step up and get the overwhelming number of jobs done. I feel here in the Spring of 2023 UUCL is in full bloom. Come out and celebrate with us at the block party this Saturday.
Carole Campbell

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