Spirituality Of Making

Spirituality of Making For The Guides


Thank you for offering your time and talents to UUCL. It is our hope that this experience will be spiritual not only for the participants, but for you as their guide through this experience.

To assist you we have created a guide that you may use in preparing your Spirituality of Making session. The Spirituality of Making is about us passing on not just the skill of the things that we do, but the passion and fulfillment. The most important thing is that people feel supported, not that they do it right. If you have any questions or need help you can email Sindy Pollard at communications@uuclonline.org or Elizabeth Gawron at faithdev@uuclonline.org at any time.


A Note from Sindy, the creator of Spirituality of Making series . . .

Through listening to your stories I heard how much making means to you all. For some it was peace, others a release – still others found it a valuable means of expression of who they are in the world. The idea that they could create something and even when they are not present, their voice remains. We hope that through the programs offered this year you will assist others in finding a little bit of their own voice.

The idea of making something spiritual is easier than you might think. Beyond the project, there is the meditative state that comes with being engrossed in a creative process. It is easy to see how time, and your thoughts of all other things slip away. During this time healing can occur, a sense of peace and a calming of the part of us that needs to always be busy.

As you go through your gathering, try to think of the work as process art. It is important that they learn the skills you are sharing, but it is most important that they feel good about it while they are learning.

Preparing the Space

Arrive with enough time to prepare your space. Preferably at least an hour before. If you would like to prepare your space before the class date, you may schedule a time with Sindy. 717-672-6206.

A chalice will be provided in the space for you to light at the start of your class. You may pick a chalice lighting, or if you feel more comfortable one can be chosen for you. Just let Sindy Pollard know at communications@uuclonline.org

Feel free to use the materials that are out in the space like nametags, whiteboard and index cards etc.

Opening – Introductions

  • Name tags will be provided in the classroom space for you and the participants.
  • Introduce yourself and share why you are here sharing your making process.
  • Then you can light the chalice to signal that we have entered into sacred space.
  • Have the group introduce themselves. They can share their name and why they chose to come to this class.

Talk about the Process

Here are some suggested ideas to spark a spiritual conversation about your making as you are willing:

  • Share a story about how you started making , who inspired you
  • Share a story of what motivated you to get better at making your craft
  • Share how you feel when you give something you made or make something for someone else
  • Share a time when your making connected you with someone in a new way
  • Share a story of happy accidents – times things didn’t go as you planned

Engage the Group in Making

Here are ways to create an inviting and encouraging space for people to make …

  • Remind people of the amount of time it takes to get good at something
  • People learn through many ways so including visuals, guides and clear steps
  • Relax, remember your story and encourage other to share theirs as they are willing.

Closing – Acknowledging what was made

Leave time at the end of the gathering to have a conversation about the experience.

This can be about …

  • How it felt in the beginning of the process and how you feel now
  • Would you do a Spirituality of Making gathering again?
  • Simply ask how everyone feels and encourage them
  • Share any resources about your making that you may have

It is inevitable that people will not finish their projects or want more instruction. If you have any youtube videos you can direct them to that would be helpful. We would also welcome you back if you would think a follow up gathering would be beneficial.

Extinguish the chalice with these words:


According to Steve Jobs “Creativity is just connecting things.”

And today we have connected, not just these things we have begun to create… but to one another.

Go in peace.

You may also pick your own extinguishing words.

You made it!


Again Thank you so much for your time and energy. I am beyond grateful.


With Gratitude,

Sindy Pollard & Elizabeth Gawron

Spirituality of Making Gatherings

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