
The UUCL Leadership Development Committee

In 2019, the congregation agreed through its revisions to the bylaws to replace the Nominating Committee with the Leadership Development Committee. As reported a couple weeks ago, the Board recently approved changes to the charge for this committee to better align with UUA guidelines and with our own bylaws.
In addition to identifying and vetting individuals for leadership positions that are elected by the congregation (e.g., Trustees, Treasurer, Search Committee), this committee facilitates and coordinate education, mentoring, linkages and resources to train individuals to serve the shared ministries of this congregation, including its leadership positions. Hence, its switch from “Nominating” to “Leadership Development”. The three members of this committee are now to be elected by the membership of this congregation (previously they were simply appointed); however, the Board has asked George Herr-Riser and Sharron Nelson to continue their service to LDC until elections can be held in May 2022. A third interim member is being sought. This committee typically meets every other month. If you have interest in developing your skills to help lead projects, committees or serve in elected positions, please contact George or Sharron.

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